Here's a quick update on things that have been going on. I've been pretty silent on this blog lately. I have another secret blog that I made using another email address and creating a second email account: very sneaky eh?
Anyways, I'm not going to tell you what that blog is. I've started publishing some things under a pen name. I have a domain and everything; I even paid extra to have GoDaddy keep it secret.
I'm sure that you could figure out the pen name with a little effort. I'm not killing myself to hide it but I'd appreciate it if you didn't look. I am planning on releasing a few projects onto Amazon this year under my actual name: Kyle J Morgan -- or Kyle John Morgan.
I guess I should make that decision.
At the same time, I've started a blog about my progress on learning to code. I haven't purchased a custom domain for that one yet; there's a link to it in the list of pages on this blog. If you have any interest in staying up to date with that kind of thing, click over there.
I do plan on working on my Dad Flies A Spaceship project, although I am going to be deleting the posts that I've already put up to focus primarily on new toy reviews.
Happy New Year Everyone. Let me know what you have going on and if you have any projects that you'd like me to support (hopefully not monetarily).
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